Where Is Jennifer?
My general blog with thoughts on any and all topics
A Bilingual Shadorma
Tennis Balls (Haibun)
A teacher is a gardener.
The Flavors of My Childhood
I am an elementary school teacher, and I am furious about Uvalde.
Depending On When You Met Me
Slice of Life 5/25/21: Lunch with a friend, made momentous by a pandemic
An Honest Wish List for Teacher Appreciation Week
Slice of Life 5/4/21: Dogs on the Couch
Things to Think About During Your MRI
a teacher's response from right to left
Dewey Beach, Delaware
Flash Fiction: What Waited For Us
Flash Fiction: Kindergarten Registration
All the First Days
I cannot tell a lie, part 2: A patchy repair
I cannot tell a lie: George Washington, slavery, and lies I told my students
The COVID haircut: How to cut your husband's hair during a global pandemic
Relaunch: I Am a Writer!
"I always want to give the best to my students."
Learning in shades of green
The joy of learning
What is Fulbright?
"It's us, in a bowl."
Higher Education, Deeper Learning
Bogotá: Initial Impressions of the Capital of Colombia
Four continents, one week
Parlez-vous français?
Biking to school in the Netherlands
Summer Love in California
Things I love about Washington D.C.
"Home is where one starts from." - T.S. Eliot