Other Resources

For Any Educators
Sign up to partner with a classroom in another country! Unlike many similar programs, Empatico is free to use. They provide curriculum and topics, and work flexibly around your class schedule. Trying Empatico is one of my major goals for this school year!
Global Greetings Videos
This blog by One World Classrooms contains videos of students around the world sharing greetings. As a language teacher, I love showing my students the relevance of learning to communicate in another language. For primary grades, an easy way to begin is by greeting each other in different languages during a Morning Meeting. Kick start that routine by showing these videos!
Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms
Are you interested in participating in a yearlong Global Education Fellowship like I did? United States teachers in all areas can apply to this amazing opportunity. Applications typically become available in winter for the following school year. For motivated, curious educators interested in building their global teaching capacity and visiting foreign schools, I highly recommend this program!
For CES/MPCS Educators
Global Education Resources for CES:
This living document contains resources for collaboration, subject-specific lesson ideas, and grade-level connections. Click here to access the Google sheet and here to submit your own resources!
August 2019 Professional Learning Academy Presentation (Grades K-2):
An introduction to Global Education for any interested MPCS teachers.
August 2019 Colombia International Field Experience Reflection:
Presented to CES teachers during preservice PD days. I shared about my experiences in Colombian schools, similarities and differences, and cultural humility.
March 2019 Power Teams Presentation (Grades K-2):
March 2019 Power Teams Presentation (Specialists - Art, Music, STEM, PE, Library):
March 2019 Power Teams Presentation (Pre-K):